Here’s how it works…
By preserving traditional methods we protect ‘treasured skills’ and a way of life at risk of dying out.
Nila Rubia is a label rooted in the Mughal tradition, creating pieces expertly hand crafted in family run workshops in India. Ancient techniques are kept alive by an inspiring community of colour masters, wooden block carvers, dyers and tailors.
Using mother nature’s materials not only feels better to wear, it helps to remake a better world.
The natural world is our muse. We think it’s time to outcast the toxic materials often used in the fashion industry. We design with nature in mind and make fashion without artificial fibres and with low impact dyes.
All life is profoundly precious, and by choosing to take action for a fairer world we vote to respect that.
As a label using ‘treasured skills’ we create jobs in rural areas of Jaipur (India), where work is often scarce. We advocate fair wages, working conditions and freedom of choice. Next up, we are developing ‘self-supporting initiatives’ for women and girls.
The most fashionable thing we can do is to wear clothes that reflect our values and beliefs.
We all buy fashion because of how it makes us look and how it makes us feel. We feel better when we choose to be authentic to our beliefs and values and take action to stand by them. It’s the choices we make today that will influence the tomorrow we create.

“Let the beauty we love be what we do”